
Destination: Beach BUMMIN!

Our next stop on our tour was further down south to visit Mr. Paul, Miss Jen, Patriot, Tomboy, Buffy and my first "boy" Shooter. Poor Tootie he's still in love with me so I perused by his kennel just to give him a smooch. Sorry Tootie, I got me another man.

Mom took the girls to the beach and she did some touristy things. Miss Poo got spoiled as usual by Mr. Paul and Miss Jen gave me lots of smooches too. Mom was sad when we had to go, because she wanted to see 'daddy & daughter' hunting out at the lake. We wuuuuv going to visit them.

We only got to stay for 3 days so I hope mom can catch her 'daddy/daughter' hunt sometime this fall.

Meanwhile, mom keeps taking me to all these vets like she's vet shopping. Are we moving FO-REAL? Seems they all want to poke me...Georgia vet pokes me....Tampa vet pokes me...they all want a piece of me.

Can ya blame 'em?

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