
Money Makin'..(money, money makin')..

..super disco disco breakin'!!!

As the song goes (for those of you B-boy fans). Mom's been workin' extra hard, taking on extra shifts, weekends, and really stashin' away for Poo's (P-double-O, P-double-O) style and her upcoming field season. She said she's gotta get it in now before the babies come. But I don't think she realizes..the Hedgie babies are already HERE!!! Poo and Windy are taking good care of them, carrying them around in their mouths all the time and fighting over who loves them more.

Tonight she worked on renovating our dog room. Sizing up for a new floor, shopping for shelves, and hanging photos of none other than....US, and my puppies of course!!!

Now..it's 'nuggle thyme!

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