
Stressing the importance of good nutrition!

This is me...Day 30! Just about 1/2 way through. Mom and I went shopping today and while she was collecting holistic food and organic this and that...I had my eyes feasting on the TREAT SECTION...virtual junk food for dogs!!!! The pasturized-processed, preservative packed deliciousness....McDonald's for dogs!!
Mom opted for the Blue Buff Peanut Butter treats...I can do peanut butter!! She also threw in a giant sized box of dried chicken strips...now THAT'S my girl!! At the checkout I could not contain myself...IMPULSE BUY! When she wasn't looking I yanked that Minty Mailman right off the shelf and crunched it good before mom could say "no"...HAHAHAHAHA!
Take that! Pregger-girl = 1 Mom = 0